If you are looking for a great product at an unbeatable price, then The Original Motorola KRZR K1 OEM Car Charger (SPN5332A) is one that you should buy. The Original Motorola KRZR K1 OEM Car Charger (SPN5332A) is a popular product that everyone can invest on. A lot of customers have a blast using this product. Most of them noted how happy they are that they have finally found the right product..
Please read product description before you are sure to decide to buy this product or click here for more details.
- # Made by Motorola
- # Motorola Part Number SYN1630
- # Simply plug it into your car's vehicle power socket and connect it to your phone - enjoy unlimited talk and standby time, while your phone is charging! Fits most in-vehicle power port sockets.
Motorola SYN1630 Mid-Rate Car Charger for Motorola KRZR L6 L7 A1200 Pebl Q U6 V190 V195 V235 V360 V323 V326 and IC602
Best Deals Original Motorola KRZR K1 OEM Car Charger (SPN5332A)
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