Are you looking for a great product? then The Cellet Premium Plugin Car Charger Cellet LG VX6100 & VX7000, VX8300, Vi125 Pr... is one that is worth buying. The Cellet Premium Plugin Car Charger Cellet LG VX6100 & VX7000, VX8300, Vi125 Pr... is a favorite product that everyone can invest on. Most people who have purchased and used this product are very impressed with its overall performance. With its budget-friendly price and stunning features, this is definitely a great buy for people who are looking a high quality product that their budget can afford.
Please read product description and product features before you are sure to decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- Advance Red LED indicator
- 9 FT cord
- Built-in original 34063 IC chip
- Innovative comfortable hand-grip
- Exceeds OEM Quality
Compatible models:
LG AX3200, AX355, AX390, AX490, AX4270, AX4750, AX5000,FUSIC,MM225, MM535, LX225, LX325, LX350, LX535, MIGO, PM225,PM325,UX5000, UX4750, VX3200, VX3300, VX3400, VX3450, VX4650,VX4700,VX4750, VX5200, VX5300, VX6100, VX6200, VX7000, VX8000,VX8100,VX8300, VX9800, & Vi125
This Premium Edition Vehicle Power Adapter lets you conservethephone's battery. Charge simultaneously in an operatingvehiclewithout ever overcharging.
- Advanced Blue LED indicator
- 9 FT cord
- Built-in original 34063 IC chip
- Innovative comfortable hand-grip design
- Plug in the Super Charger into the vehicle power outlet
- Wait for the Blue indicator and the charging indicator shouldbedisplaying on the phone LCD.
- For most phones, a complete charge should be in less than2hours. Suitable for charging Ni-Cd, Ni-Mh, Lithium-Ion,andLithium-Polymer batteries.
Packaging: Clamshell Package
Packaging may change without notice.
Cheap Price Cellet Premium Plugin Car Charger Cellet LG VX6100 & VX7000, VX8300, Vi125 Pr...
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