Are you looking for a great product? then The Compact USB Car Charger, Single Port (Black) is our recommendation for you. The Compact USB Car Charger, Single Port (Black) is a great product that everyone can invest on. A lot of customers have a blast using this product. Most of them noted how happy they are that they have finally found the right product..
Please read product description before you are sure to decide to buy this product or click here for more details.
- Input: 12-24 VDC
- Output: 5V
- Ships in BULK product packaging
This compact single port, universal USB car charger will keep your iPhone, iPod, other smartphones charged while you're behind the wheel. It's compact and non-intrusive so it won't get in your way. Great for traveling! ** Ships in BULK product packaging **
Best Offer Compact USB Car Charger, Single Port (Black)
Let's face it, there are so many deals out there, we certainly can't blame you for feeling confused. In order to ensure that you get the best deal available for you, we have done some research for you. If you would like to get this product, please follow the link above and get special offers for you.
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