There is no doubt that there are many people are looking for a high quality product, The Nokia 6500S N82 6126 5235 6650 fold Original Cell Phone Car Charger DC-4 is one that you should have. The Nokia 6500S N82 6126 5235 6650 fold Original Cell Phone Car Charger DC-4 is a high quality product that everyone can invest on. People who have purchased and used this amazing product are so happy with its performance. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.
Please read product description before you are sure to decide to buy this product or click here for more details.
- Compact and lightweight -fits in your cigarette lighter socket. Charge and talk at the same time
- Quickly and reliably charge your cell phone while you are on the go
- Fits perfectly into any 12V accessory outlet or car lighter jack.
- Dynamic IC Chip - built-in smart chip recognizes a full charge and automatically switch to a save-mode. This will protect your battery from over charging and preserve your battery's life span.
OEM Nokia rapid car charger cigarette lighter adapter. Nokia part no. DC-4. Plugs into your car, truck or SUV's 12V cigarette lighter socket. Charges your phone and provides unlimited talk time while in the car. Suitable for:
- Nokia 1208
- Nokia 1680
- Nokia 2135
- Nokia 2600 classic (AT&T)
- Nokia 2680
- Nokia 2760
- Nokia 3155i
- Nokia 3250
- Nokia 3555
- Nokia 5300
- Nokia 5310
- Nokia 5610
- Nokia 6085
- Nokia 6086
- Nokia 6101
- Nokia 6102 6102i
- Nokia 6103
- Nokia 6110 Navigator
- Nokia 6111
- Nokia 6126
- Nokia 6133
- Nokia 6136
- Nokia 6155i
- Nokia 6165i
- Nokia 6263
- Nokia 6265i
- Nokia 6270
- Nokia 6275i
- Nokia 6280
- Nokia 6282
- Nokia 6290
- Nokia 6300
- Nokia 6301
- Nokia 6500 Slide
- Nokia 6555
- Nokia 6650
- Nokia Surge 6790
- Nokia 7360
- Nokia 7370
- Nokia 7500 Prism
- Nokia 7510
- Nokia 5800
- Nokia E50
- Nokia E61
- Nokia E62
- Nokia E63
- Nokia E71
- Nokia E71x
- Nokia N70
- Nokia N71
- Nokia N72
- Nokia N73
- Nokia N75
- Nokia N78
- Nokia N80
- Nokia N82
- Nokia N90
- Nokia N91
- Nokia N92
- Nokia N93
- Nokia N95
- Nokia N96
- and other Nokia phones using new charger with small plug
Cheap Nokia 6500S N82 6126 5235 6650 fold Original Cell Phone Car Charger DC-4
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