There are lots of great products on the market, The Qmadix QM-DMCH4.2-AP-WH USB Twin Tablet Charging 4.2 Amp Kit - Car Charger - Retail Packaging - White is one that you should have. The Qmadix QM-DMCH4.2-AP-WH USB Twin Tablet Charging 4.2 Amp Kit - Car Charger - Retail Packaging - White is a popular and highest rated product in the market. Majority of the customers who have purchased and used this product are very happy with its overall performance. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.
Please read product description below for more information about this product or click here for more details.
- Cable measures 4 ft
- Made for iPod touch, iPod mini, iPhone and iPad
- Each port offers 10W (2.1 amps) for quick mobile charging
The USB Twin Tablet Charging Hub allows you to charge two different devices in your vehicle simultaneously while utilizing the included Charging-Data Sync Cable.
With so many deals out there, finding the best one for you can be a confusing. So we have done some research to help you. If you would like to purchase this product, please follow the link above and get special offers for you.
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