Are you looking for a great product? then The eForCity Compatible with HTC G1 MAGIC DREAM HERO RETRACTABLE CAR CHARGER is one that you should have. The eForCity Compatible with HTC G1 MAGIC DREAM HERO RETRACTABLE CAR CHARGER is a popular and highest rated product in the market. People who have purchased and used this product are very satisfied with overall performance. With its budget-friendly price and stunning features, this is definitely a great buy for people who are looking a high quality product that their budget can afford.
Please read product description below for more information about this product or click here for more details.
- Charge your phone when you\'re on the road. Why not use the time you spend in your car to make sure that your phone is ready to go?
- The innovative retractable design with quick release button cuts down on travel bulk and ensures the portability of your cell phone without sacrificing functionality. No more tangled cable mess.
- This car charger plugs into your car\'s cigarette lighter and charges your phone while you\'re driving. NOTE: When using this charger for GPS device, GPS device might restart with computer mode; after less than 10 seconds of synchronization, GPS will star
- Intelligent IC chip inside recognizes a fully charged battery and automatically switches to a saver mode to prevent overcharging and short circuit.
- Plug never heats or overcharges the battery.LED charging indication.Color: Black.Length: 3.5 inches / 0.1m (can be extended up to 31 inches / 0.8m).Accessory ONLY. Phone not included.
Compatible With Audiovox:PPC6700/BlackBerry:5810 Series/6200 Series/6500 Series/6700 Series/7100 Series/7130 Series/7200 Series/7500 Series/7700 Series/8700 Series/8800 Series/Bold 9000Curve 8300/8310/8320/8330/8350i/earl 8100/8110/8120/8130/5790/Cingular:8125/8525/Dopod:838/S1;Google:Android/HTC:5800/6900/8925/Apache/AT&T Tilt/Athena/Cavalier/Dream/Droid Eris/Elf/Excalibur/Fusion/Fuze/Herald/Herman/Hermes/Hero/T-mobile G2 Touch/HTC Touch Diamond (CDMA)/Kaiser/Lancaster/Memphis/Libra/Love/Magic/MyTouch 3G/Mogul/Ozone/XV6175/P6300/P6500/Panda/Phoebus/Polaris/PPC6800/Prophet/S310/S720/Willow/Cedar/S511 CDMA by Sprint/Touch (CDMA)/Touch 2/Mega/T3333/Touch Cruise/Touch Diamond 2/Touch Diamond CDMA Verizon/Touch Diamond P3700/Touch Pro CDMA/Touch Pro CDMA Verizon/Touch Pro GSM/Touch Pro2 At&T GSM/Touch Pro2 CDMA/Rhodium/XV6875/Touch Viva/TyTN/TyTN II/Vogue/Voyager/Warhawk/Pure/Wings/Wizard/X7501/X7510/XV6800/XV6900/i-mate:JasJam/K-Jam/Nextel:IDEN Series ic402/ic502/ic902 Deluxe/O2:XDA Atom/Exec/Graphite/IQ/Mini S/Neo/Orbit/Stealth/Stellar/Trion/Zinc/Orange:SPV M3000/Qtek:9100/9600/Sony Ericsson:X Series X1 Xperia/T-Mobile:MDA Vario/Vario II/Vario III/Dash/G1/G2/Shadow/Shadow II/Wing/UTStarcom:PPC-6700/XV6700.Motorola Tundra VA76r/TomTom Go 740 Live/Go 930/Go 930T/Go 730/Go 630/XXL 540S/XXL 530S/XL 340S Live/XL 340S/XL 340/XL 335S/XL 330S/XL 330/XL 325S/XL 325/One 140S/One 140/One 130S/One 130/One 125/TomTom GO 520/530T/720/720T/920/920T;One First Edition/Second Edition/XL/XLS/HTC Hero CDMA/HTC touch Pro2 CDMA Sprint/TomTom Go 730T/Go 530;Garmin Colorado 300/400i/400t;Edge 500/605/705;Garminfone;Nuvi 1200/1250/1260T/1300/1350/1350t/1370t/1390t/1450/1490t/200/200w/205/205w/250/250w/255/255w/260/260w/265/265wt/275t/295w/350/360/370/465t/500/550;Nuvifone G60;StreetPilot i2/i3/i5;zumo 220.
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