There is no doubt that there are many people are looking for a high quality product, The GTMax Rapid Car Charger + Home Travel Charger + Sync USB Data Cable for Samsung© Trill R520, Convoy, T659, Intensity U450, Rogue U960, Smooth U350, Gravity 2 T469, Solstice SGH-A887, Highlight SGH-T749 Cell Phone is one that is worth buying. The GTMax Rapid Car Charger + Home Travel Charger + Sync USB Data Cable for Samsung© Trill R520, Convoy, T659, Intensity U450, Rogue U960, Smooth U350, Gravity 2 T469, Solstice SGH-A887, Highlight SGH-T749 Cell Phone is a excellent product and we are pleased with its quality. Most customer reviews about this product are fairly positive. They are also amazed at how affordable the price is and yet does not lack quality features.
Please read product description before you decide to buy this product or click here for more details.
- This Combo Pack Includes: One Car Charger, One USB Data Cable, One Home Charger.
- Vehicle Lighter Adaptor. (12~24v DC), Short circuit protection. LED charging indication.
- Home Charger: Input: 100V - 240V (U.S. & World Standard) (50~60Hz/180mA).Output: 7.6V / 800mA.
- Cable: Wireless internet access, Sending and receiving email, FTP (Uploading and downloading files)
- Downloading Music / Pictures / Ring tones, Editing phone book / SMS, Synchronizing calendar entries
Note: USB CD driver, program software & technical support are not included. This USB data cable enables you to connect your cellular phone to your computer for: Wireless internet access, Sending and receiving email, FTP (Uploading and downloading files), Downloading Music / Pictures / Ring tones, Editing your phone book / SMS, Synchronizing calendar entries. In order for your data cable to perform above functions, you must obtain the required software independently
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