If you are looking for a high-quality product without causing a lot of damage to your wallet, The OEM Original Rapid Car Vehicle Auto Plug in Battery Charger for T-Mobile LG G2x - LG Optimus T - Nice - Cell Phone is one that you should buy. The OEM Original Rapid Car Vehicle Auto Plug in Battery Charger for T-Mobile LG G2x - LG Optimus T - Nice - Cell Phone is a high quality product that everyone can invest on. People who have purchased and used this amazing product are so happy with its performance. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.
Please read product description below for more information about this product or click here for more details.
- Factory original 12-24 Volt DC Battery Car Charger / Cigarette Lighter Adapter
- Safely charge your phone from your car using the original authentic brand!
- Using the authentic OEM brand will ensure your phones warranty is never voided!
- Use of this official charger will prolong your batteries life compare to others! It also works with any other brand cell phones that use the same plug.
- Compatible with: T-Mobile LG G2x - LG Optimus T - Nice - NEW
Original Vehicle Charger Plugs into the cigarette lighter adapter - Cord extends so you can talk on the phone while it's plugged in. - Factory original 12-24 Volt DC Battery Car Charger/ Cigarette Lighter Adapter, - Safely charge your phone from your car using the original authentic brand! - Using the authentic OEM brand will ensure your phones warranty is never voided! - Use of this official charger will prolong your batteries life compare to others! It also works with any other brand cell phones that use the same plug. - Compatible with: T-Mobile LG G2x - LG Optimus T - Nice - NEW
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