If you are looking for a great product at an unbeatable price, then The Samsung© X495/X496/X497 Car Charger is one that you should buy. The Samsung© X495/X496/X497 Car Charger is a excellent product and we are pleased with its quality. Majority of the customers who have purchased and used this product are very happy with its overall performance. With its budget-friendly price and stunning features, this is definitely a great buy for people who are looking a high quality product that their budget can afford.
Please read product description before you are sure to decide to buy this product or click here for more details.
Samsung X495/X497 Car Charger - The cell phone car charger is an ideal travel companion for those long drives. Easy-to-use plug-in cigarette lighter adapter powers your cell phone during calls, conserving your Cell Phone battery life. While the phone is not in use, the adapter works as a charger, rapidly replenishing power to the Cell Phone battery. Designed to protect your phone, the adapter is equipped with a smart IC chip to protect against overcharging. Compatible with NiCD, NiMH, Li-ion and polymer equipped phones.
Don't settle for low quality chargers! Our chargers are equipped with the highest quality fuse to ensure protection to your valuable phone while providing many years of trouble-free use. Order this quality cell phone charger today and we'll ship it right away to your home or business for less! Remember - with every purchase at Wireless Emporium your satisfaction is GUARANTEED. ORDER NOW!
COMPATIBILITY: Samsung A310, Samsung A530, Samsung A570, Samsung A610, Samsung A630, Samsung A650, Samsung A670, Samsung A850, Samsung A890, Samsung A950, Samsung C207, Samsung C225, Samsung D415, Samsung E105, Samsung E315/E316/E317, Samsung E355, Samsung E715, Samsung N330, Samsung N625, Samsung P107, Samsung P207, Samsung R225, Samsung S300/S307, Samsung V200, Samsung V205/V206, Samsung X105, Samsung X426/X427 and Samsung X475/X495/X497
Best Price Samsung© X495/X496/X497 Car Charger
With so many deals out there it can difficult to decide who offers the best price. In order to ensure that you get the best possible deal, We have done some research to help you make the right decision. If you would like to purchase this product, please follow the link above and get special offers for you.
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