Are you looking for a quality product? then The Pow'R-Up Dual USB Electric Car Charger 12V/24V Output DC5V/2.4A for iPhone 4 & 5, Samsung, LG, iPad, iPod, Mobile Cell Phone, & All Portable Devices (White) is one that is worth buying. The Pow'R-Up Dual USB Electric Car Charger 12V/24V Output DC5V/2.4A for iPhone 4 & 5, Samsung, LG, iPad, iPod, Mobile Cell Phone, & All Portable Devices (White) is a fantastic product and we are very pleased with its quality. Majority of the customers who have purchased and used this product are very happy with its overall performance. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.
Please read product description before you are sure to decide to buy this product or click here for more details.
- Dual USB Electric Car Charger 12V/24V Output DC5V/2.4A for iPhone 4 & 5, Samsung, LG, iPad, iPod, Mobile Cell Phone, & All Portable Devices
- Sophisticated circuit design with over-heated, over-current, over-charging protection. Charging will be automatically stop when battery is full.
- Plugs into any car power outlet, 2 rapid-charge USB ports to charge two devices at once, & 2.4 Amps per port.
- The charger's powered USB ports are universal, allowing you to pair it with any USB cable. As long as you have the corresponding cable, you can use the charger with legacy 30-pin Apple devices, micro-USB devices, and more.
- Depending on the type of case you have, you may need to remove your case before charging.
Pow'R-Up Dual Port USB Car Charger
The First of its Kind Charge Two Devices Safely and Simultaneously Charge two
devices at once with the first and only car charger. Get unlimited play and
standby time with the low-profile design that sits flush in your dash. Charge
at the speed of lightning charging your iPhone 5, iPad mini or iPad with Retina
Display, and all your cell phone and portable devices at the fastest possible
speed while on the go.
- Charge two mobile devices at once
- Universal USB port works with most USB cables
- Plugs into any car power outlet
- Over-charging protection
- Charges your iPad, iPhone, iPod, HTC, Blackberry, MP3 Players, Digital Cameras,
PDAs, & Mobile Phones
The charger's powered USB ports are universal, allowing you to pair it with
any USB cable. As long as you have the corresponding cable, you can use the
charger with legacy 30-pin Apple devices, micro-USB devices, and more.
Depending on the type of case you have, you may need to remove your case before
charging. If your speakers, Lightning connector, and AUX port are fully exposed
when your case is on, you should be able to easily charge your device without
removing the case.
With so many deals out there, finding the best one for you can be a confusing. So we have done some research to help you. If you would like to purchase this product, please follow the link above and get special offers for you.
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