There is no doubt that there are many people are looking for a high quality product, The System-S Car Charger For Sony Ericsson P900 K610i K700i T630 T610 P910 P900 C510 R300 P1i S312i T280 W205 W395 W705 W760 W890 Z770i is one that you should buy. The System-S Car Charger For Sony Ericsson P900 K610i K700i T630 T610 P910 P900 C510 R300 P1i S312i T280 W205 W395 W705 W760 W890 Z770i is a popular and highest rated product in the market. A lot of customers have a blast using this product. They are also amazed at how affordable the price is and yet does not lack quality features.
Read product description below before you decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- for 12V / 24V cigarette lighters
- helix cable (45-85cm)
- green charging LED
- overload protection
- safeguard
Car Charger Description: With this Charger, you can give back the Power to your accus with the cigarette-lighter of your car. Its perfect to use it on travels if you dont have a PC with USB-Ports to charge or a standard power point. The helix cable prevents for cable spaghetti. Technical Details: * for 12V / 24V cigarette lighters * helix cable (45-85cm) * green charging LED * overload protection * safeguard Included in delivery: 1 Car charger
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