If you are looking for a high-quality product without causing a lot of damage to your wallet, The 200 LED Solar Powered Multicolor String Light for Christmas, Valentine's Day, Wedding Decoration is one that you should have. The 200 LED Solar Powered Multicolor String Light for Christmas, Valentine's Day, Wedding Decoration is a great product that everyone can invest on. Majority of the customers who have purchased and used this product are very happy with its overall performance. They are also amazed at how affordable the price is and yet does not lack quality features.
Read product description below before you decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- 200 LED solar powered fairy lights string
- Ideal decoration for the coming Christmas or other celebration occasions
- There is a power switch and a mode button on the back of the panel
- After you turn on the power switch on the panel, the lights will be on automatically in the dark
200 LED solar powered fairy lights string
Ideal decoration for the coming Christmas or other celebration occasions
There is a power switch and a mode button on the back of the panel
After you turn on the power switch on the panel, the lights will be on automatically in the dark
You can change the lighting mode by pressing the mode button
There are 8 modes
No wiring needed, powered by solar energy
Waterproof, suitable for indoor and outdoor use
LED Light Color: Blue, red, yellow and green
String Length: Approx. 17.5m / 57.4 feet
String Color: Atrovirens
Pointed Stake Size: Approx. 20cm in length, 1.5cm in diameter
LED Diameter: Approx. 5mm
LED Space: Approx. 8cm
Panel Size(L x W x H): Approx. 10.2 x 9.5 x 2.4cm
Important Information:
As the charging effect of the solar panel is depended on the sunlight, the LED light time is affected by weather, seasons, places, etc.
It is charging only when the button is turned ON
Don't put it in the water over a long period of time, for it is only designed to be protected from the rain and the humidity.
Don't strike the product, so as not to cause irreversible damage.
The stake is so sharp that you must be careful when using it. And don't let children play with it.
Package includes:
1 x Solar panel box with 200 LED fairy lights string
1 x Bracket
1 x English manual
Buy 200 LED Solar Powered Multicolor String Light for Christmas, Valentine's Day, Wedding Decoration
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