There are many quality products on the market, The Micro Car Auto Vehicle Rapid Plug in Charger For LG myTouch 100C 220C 231C 290C 400G 420G 500G 501C 620G 800G 900G A340 Accolade VX5600-Auction4tech is one that we recommend for you. The Micro Car Auto Vehicle Rapid Plug in Charger For LG myTouch 100C 220C 231C 290C 400G 420G 500G 501C 620G 800G 900G A340 Accolade VX5600-Auction4tech is a great product that everyone can invest on. Most customer reviews about this product are fairly positive. They are also amazed at how affordable the price is and yet does not lack quality features.
Read product description below before you decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- Charge your cell phone when you're on the road
- Use the time you spend in your car to make sure that your phone is ready to go
- Car charger plugs into your car's cigarette lighter and charges your phone while you're driving
- Intelligent IC ip recognizes a fully charged battery and automatically switches to saver mode to prevent over charging and short circuit.
Compatibility List: LG myTouch / 100C / 220C / 231C / 290C / 400G / 420G / 500G / 501C / 620G / 800G / 900G / A340 / Accolade VX5600 / Ally Apex, VS740 / Arena GT950 / AX155 / AX300 UX300 / Bliss UX700 / CF360 / Clout / Connect 4G / Dare VX9700 / dLite GD570 / Encore / Enlighten Optimus Slider, Zip / ENV Touch VX11000 / Env2 VX9100 / Env3 VX9200 / Envoy / Escape / Esteem / eXpo GW820 / Extravert / Fathom VS750 / G2X Optimus 2x / Genesis / Glance VX7100 UX7100 / GS170 / GS170 420g / GU292 GU295 / Helix UX310 AX310 / Imprint / Incite / Intuition / Lotus Elite Mystique / Lucid / LX290 / LX370 UX370 / LX400 / Lyric LX370 Force MT375 / Marquee / Motion 4G / Neon / Nitro HD / Octane / Prime GS390 / Quantum / Remarq / Revere / Revolution / Rhythm AX585 / Rumor / Rumor2 Cosmos Banter UX265 Script / Saber / Select / Sentio GS505 / Shine II / Spectrum 2 / Splendor Venice / Swift / Thrill 4G Optimus 3D / Thrive Phoenix / Tritan AX840 UX840 / UX220 / Versa VX9600 / Viper / VM101 CM101 / Vortex / VU / VX5500 / VX8360 / Wine II / Xenon GR500 / Xpression / Nexus 4 / Mach / Optimus / Spirit
There are so many deals out there, finding the best one for you can be a confusing. Luckily we have done some research to help you. If you would like to get this product at best prices, please follow the link above and get special offers for you.
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