Are you looking for a great product? then The Retractable Cell Phone Car Charger for BlackBerry 7100, 7130c / 7130e / 7130g, 7250, 7290, 7510, 7520, 8700, 7100i, 8703e, 8300 Curve, 8310 Curve, 8320 Curve, 8830, 8800, 8100 Pearl, 8130 Pearl, 8820 is the one that you must have. The Retractable Cell Phone Car Charger for BlackBerry 7100, 7130c / 7130e / 7130g, 7250, 7290, 7510, 7520, 8700, 7100i, 8703e, 8300 Curve, 8310 Curve, 8320 Curve, 8830, 8800, 8100 Pearl, 8130 Pearl, 8820 is a popular and highest rated product in the market. Most customer reviews about this product are fairly positive. Most of them noted how happy they are that they have finally found the right product..
Please read product description before you are sure to decide to buy this product or click here for more details.
- Recharge on the go by harnessing power from your car with a cigarette lighter adapter
- Features an intelligent IC chip that prevents overcharging and overheating
- With its tangle-free wire, it is very easy to put away
- Can Charge Ni-Mh, Ni-cd and Li-Ion battery
- The wire is 100% retracted
This retractable car charger recharge your cell phone on the go by harnessing power from your car with a cigarette lighter adapter without a long wire hanging anywhere, put out as much as you need, and put it back when it's not in use. The LED charging indication and it's with short circuit protection. Perfect for PDA and cell phone users on the road.
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