There are several great products on the market, The Avantgarde Mini Bullet Dual USB 2-Port Car Charger Adaptor for iPhone 4 4g iPod Touch - White is one that you should buy. The Avantgarde Mini Bullet Dual USB 2-Port Car Charger Adaptor for iPhone 4 4g iPod Touch - White is a favorite product that everyone can invest on. People who have purchased and used this amazing product are so happy with its performance. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.
Please read product description and product features before you are sure to decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- AC Charger Input: 100-240V (worldwide use) AC Charger Output: 5V 2100mA
- Car Charger Input: 12V DC Car Charger Output: 5V 2100mA
- Color: White
- Patented circuit board technology designed to protect your gadgets from short circuits.
Transfer data and charge your iPad, tablet PC, e-reader or any other device that requires up to 2100mA with this white universal USB car charger adapter. The lightweight and portable adapters provide consistent power to your device and uses patented circuit board technology designed to protect your gadgets from short circuits. Note: Chargers must be used in conjunction with a USB charging cable in order to charge the device. Charging cables come standard with most USB-powered devices, but additional cables are available for purchase separately. Top port output 2100mA, bottom port output 1000mA.
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