If you are looking for a high-quality product without causing a lot of damage to your wallet, The for Verizon Wireless Phones / Two-Way(2 in 1) 12V DC Car Charger Cigar Cigarette Lighter Double Power Adapter Socket Splitter, Black / DUAL SPLITTER / UNIVERSAL is one that you should buy. The for Verizon Wireless Phones / Two-Way(2 in 1) 12V DC Car Charger Cigar Cigarette Lighter Double Power Adapter Socket Splitter, Black / DUAL SPLITTER / UNIVERSAL is a high quality product that everyone can invest on. A lot of customers have a blast using this product. They are also amazed at how affordable the price is and yet does not lack quality features.
Read product description below before you decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- 100% new high quality generic (non-OEM) Dual Car Charger Adapter BLACK
- Quantity: 1
- Plug any or 2 car chargers at the same time into this Dual Car Charger and plug this to your car outlet and charge them both at the same time.
- Built-in charging circuitry protects your Dual Car Charger and connected electronic devices against back-flow current and excessive electrical loads.
- Black high-impact plastic..Apple iPod®, iPhone®, or iPad® are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc. Products are Apple compatible and not endorsed by Apple, Inc.
* New generic Two-Way Car Cigarette Lighter Socket Splitter, Black * Quantity: 1 * Convert and increase your car cigarette lighter from 1 to 2 sockets. * Simply plug into car's cigarette lighter socket. * Run multiple accessories at one time. * Very convenient and easy to use. * USB charger output to 5V, suitable for cell phone, GPS, iPod, and PDA * Triple socket with 12V / 24V output. * LED charging indicator. * Color: Black
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